Ergänzungen zur klassischen Physik: Aspects of classical field theory WS 21/22 4 x 13 = 52 hrs 3/4 lecture, 1/4 exercises 5 credit points CONTENTS: 1. Hydrodynamics 2. Relativistic electrodynamics 3. Intermezzo: groups & algebras 4. Relativistic scalar field theory 5. Yang-Mills theory 6. Spontaneous symmetry breaking 7. Magnetic monopoles 8. Gems of General Relativity LITERATURE (partial): H. Römer and M. Forger, Elementare Feldtheorie, VCH 1993 R. Rajaraman, Solitons and instantons. An introduction to solitons and instantons in quantum field theory, North-Holland, 1982 N. Manton and P. Sutcliffe, Topological solitons, Cambridge University Press, 2004 S. Coleman, Aspects of symmetry, Cambridge University Press, 1985 J. Harvey, Magnetic Monopoles, Duality and Supersymmetry, Lecture Notes, arXiv:hep-th/9603086 R. D'Inverno, Einführung in die Relativitätstheorie, VCH 1995