Prof. Dr. Reinhard Werner
30167 Hannover
Curriculum Vitae
Born 1954
Studies in physics: 1970-1980 in Clausthal, Marburg and Rochester NY(USA)
Doctorate 1982 with G.Ludwig (Marburg)
Working at the Physics Department of the University of Osnabrück: 1980-1996
Habilitation (Theoretical Physics): 1987 in Osnabrück
Feodor-Lynen Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn): 1988/89
Research at the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies: 1988-1990
Heisenberg fellowship (DFG, Bonn): 1989-1995
Professor (temporary position) at Osnabrück until August 1996
Professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig (Institut für Mathematische Physik): April 1997 - March 2009
Transferred to Leibniz University Hannover: April 2009, in the wake of having been offered the Leigh Trapnell Chair of Quantum Physics at DAMTP, Cambridge
Quantum Communication Award 2014 at QCMC in Hefei.
Family: married, two daughters, born 86/89. Living in Wolfenbüttel
Research Interests
I am interested in the conceptual and mathematical foundations of quantum theory. Anything, in which the structure of quantum mechanics plays a non-trivial role, really. In recent years this has mostly been quantum information theory, but also quantum statistical mechanics and the theory of time in quantum mechanics. I like problems which are conceptually interesting and allow an answer in the form of a non-trivial theorem. As a mathematical physicist I also try to answer questions at their appropriate level of generality. Generally observed features of the theory, like, e.g., the approach of equilibrium in macroscopic systems, deserve a general explanation don't they?
Gruppe von Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Werner
Die AG Werner befasst sich mit den Grundlagen der Quantentheorie, besonders der Quanteninformationstheorie.
In jüngster Vergangenheit wurden besonders Mess-Unschärferelationen analysiert, sowie die topologische Klassifikation von eindimensionalen Quanten-Walks unter diversen Symmetrieforderungen.
Aktuell ist eine Studie verschiedener Limiten der Quantentheorie in Vorbereitung. Unter einheitlichen Gesichtspunkten und mit verallgemeinerbaren Methoden sollen hier der klassische Limes, der Mean-Field Limes, sowie diverse Kontinuumslimiten und Renormierungsverfahren erfasst werden.