Student theses in Eric Jeckelmann's research group

Bachelor theses

The goal of a bachelor thesis project in my group is the study and visualization of physical problems with computational tools. The proposed projects serve to illustrate basic concepts in theoretical physics or deal with a current problem in condensed matter theory.

You can begin working on a bachelor thesis project in my group anytime. The workload is three months full time. The main requirement is a practical experience in the programming language C, C++ or Python. The bachelor thesis can be written in English or in German. Literature and previous works may be in German or in English.


Topics for bachelor thesis projects

See the German version of this page.


Bachelor theses in the last 5 years

See the German version of this page.

Master theses

Master thesis projects in my research group deal with current problems in Computational Physics, Quantum Many-Body Theory, or Condensed Matter Theory. The main requirements are a knowledge of Advanced Quantum Theory (2nd quantization) and basic Computational Physics as well as a practical experience in the programming languages C, C++ or Python. The master thesis can be written in English or in German. Literature and previous works are mostly in English.

You can begin working on a master thesis project anytime. It consists of two modules: Research Internship / Project Planning and Master Thesis. The workload is twelve months full time. Note that you must be enrolled at the Leibniz Universität Hannover and have completed one year of study in the Master programme before the start of the thesis project.


Topics for master thesis projects

  • Study of Heisenber spin-1 chains with boundary fields  using the density-matrix renormalization group method
  • Study of Hubbard ladders using the density-matrix renormalization group method


Master theses in the last 5 years

  • Alexander Fufaev, Charge density waves in alternating spinless fermion ladders, 2023
  • Keshab Sony, Topological Phases of One and Two Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Wires on a Semiconducting Substrate, 2023
  • Emil Klahn, Reduzierte Dichtematrizen korrelierter bosonischer Systeme, 2021
  • Sören Wilkening, DMRG-LBO method for inhomogeneous one-dimensional electron-phonon systems, 2021
  • Jonas Hachmeister, Reduzierte Dichtematrizen korrelierter fermionischer Systeme, 2020
  • Gökmen Polat, Numerische Untersuchung des Peierls-Übergangs an zweidimensional geordneten Quantendrähten auf Substratoberflächen, 2020
  • Morten Pfeiffer, Untersuchung eines Polaron-Exziton-Modells mit dem TEBD-LBO-Algorithmus, 2019