Institute of Theoretical Physics Institute Register of persons Luis Santos Teaching
Theoretische Quantenoptik und Quantendynamik (Theoretical quantum optics and quantum dynamics) (WS 13/14)

Theoretische Quantenoptik und Quantendynamik (Theoretical quantum optics and quantum dynamics) (WS 13/14)

This class will be given in English

Start :15.10.2013

Zimmer/Room : Appelstr. 2, Zi. 267

Zeit/Time : Dienstags (Tuesdays) 14:00-16:00 und Mittwochs (Wednesdays) 16:00-18:00

Sprechstunde : Nach Vereinbarung (with appointment)

Übungen/Exercises Appelstr. 2, Zi. 267 Mittwochs (Wednesdays) 16:00-18:00. Übungsleiterin: Xing Chen (once every two wednesdays we will have exercises, and the other wednesday theory)

Übungsblätter/Exercise sheets
Sheet 1 (to be returned on 23.10.13)
Sheet 2 (to be returned on 06.11.13)
Sheet 3 (to be returned on 20.11.13)
Sheet 4 (to be returned on 04.12.13)
Sheet 5 (to be returned on 18.12.13)
Sheet 6 (to be returned on 15.1.14)

Scripts (I will follow more or less the same script of my lecture in the WiSe 07/08
Summary of the topics dicussed in this lecture

Quantization of the electromagnetic field
Representations of the electromagnetic field
Stochastic methods
Interaction of radiation with atoms
Exploring the fundamentals of quantum mechanics
Ultra cold gases

Elements of Quantum Optics, P. Meystre and M. Sargent
Quantum optics, D. Walls and G. Milburn
Laser Cooling and Trapping, H. J. Metcalf and P. van der Straten
Quantum Noise, C. Gardiner and P. Zoller
Statistical Methods in Quantum Optics, H.J. Carmichael